HANX, the sex-positive, anti-awkward and sustainable sexual wellness brand invites you to f*ck the planet.
September is Sexual Health Awareness Month, and this is a gentle reminder that HANX biodegradable and vegan-certified condoms are good for you and the planet. And while we hope your relationship won’t break down, these condoms certainly will post-use.
We set up our Sexy Summer Garden at BOXPARK, Shoreditch, and invited passers-by to ‘pluck themselves’ a contraceptive carnation or prophylactic pansy, featuring over 600 condom-loaded flowers, and save it for their next biodegradable bang. (yes we loved the puns as much as the punters).
And while the 5 billion condoms used each year that can end up in our waterways and landfill are no laughing matter, these biodegradable beauties will have you smiling all the way to the bedroom. And out the next day. With each asset accompanied by a social campaign to get peoples’ flowers ready to bloom.
PR stunt

Social campaign
Social tease phase – Insta feed – Something’s Blooming
Social tease phase – Insta paid – Flaunt the flowers
Social launch phase – Insta feed – Explainer
Social sustain phase – Insta feed – Rebirth