About us
Advertising that actually gets women. We are on a mission to help brands thrive in the new sheconomy.
Lead by women, on a mission to disrupt the industry. To challenge the way brands engage and communicate with women. Because not only is it the right, moral thing to do, but it’s commercially beneficial too.
This is communications powered by WMN

The female
Since the days of Don Draper and Mel Gibson, men in advertising have been trying to answer the elusive question, ‘What do Women want?’
It’s no surprise that 54% of all women think that advertising doesn’t get them. That’s a whopping 19 million women in the UK. And when you realise that women drive more than 70% of consumer spending, (and that number is rising) you start to think…oh! Why hasn’t something like this existed before?
We’re sorry, we had to smash a few glass ceilings. But we finally got there.
It’s no surprise that 54% of all women think that advertising doesn’t get them. That’s a whopping 19 million women in the UK. And when you realise that women drive more than 70% of consumer spending, (and that number is rising) you start to think…oh! Why hasn’t something like this existed before?
We’re sorry, we had to smash a few glass ceilings. But we finally got there.
Powered by wmn
What do women want? What are their motivations? What are they thinking right now, right this second? The mind boggles. There’s only one way to find out. And that’s to listen to them.
Through our proprietary research model we can understand what women are really thinking, feeling, their moods and motivations, all in real time. This data not only informs our work but also the way we run our business.
We are a new, transformative creative collective for today’s women. Designed with flexibility and inclusivity at our core, we draw on a pool of experts to give clients a completely tailored, female led solution. Our little black book has comedians, coders and everything in between.
This unique approach ensures we are always speaking to women, not at them.
This unique approach ensures we are always speaking to women, not at them.
For Wmn
Everything we do has the ultimate goal to elevate women globally and ensure they feel fully seen in marketing communications. That’s why we are passionate about talking to brands who are genuinely interested in the female perspective and experience.

Marketing to women
Marketing to women
Is it about avoiding stereotypes? What about equal representation in ads? Are we accurately depicting multi-dimensional womanhood? If not, is this because of a lack of female leadership in marketing?
Do purposeful brands have a role to play in ‘fempowerment’? What about fledgling brands keen to ride the femvertising wave – are they opportunistic players or cultural trailblazers?Getting marketing to women right means understanding all this and more. It’s multi-layered; it’s complex.
But the one thing that’s crystal clear is the opportunity: By 2030, there will be over 100m more women in the global workforce, with all the additional spending power and influence that implies.
Advertising that actually gets women. We are on a mission to help brands thrive in the new sheconomy.
Lead by women, on a mission to disrupt the industry. To challenge the way brands engage and communicate with women. Because not only is it the right, moral thing to do, but it’s commercially beneficial too.
Sign up to join now and stay tuned for more!